To: 姐姐 From: 林一

wish you best


11:12PM 5/30/22

To: pa From: jasmin

maybe if

sometimes I wish I learned how to speak your language. i never thought about how the barrier…

6:01PM 5/30/22

To: From: PT


I wish I had the guts to tell you that you could’ve raised me better. You knew that you were…

1:23PM 5/29/22

To: ээж From: чичи


ойлгоход маш удаан хугацаа зарцуулсан яагаад чи намайг энд авчирсан, гэхдээ…

8:44PM 5/28/22

To: grandma From: keith

everything that has happened

they just sent me to you without thinking about how it would impact us. for the longest time, I…

10:31PM 5/27/22

To: uncle tom From: ;-;

Finally home

It’s always been a struggle for me to come to terms with our new reality. I didn’t know what was…

7:27PM 5/25/22

To: 爸妈 From: anonymous

i get it now

dear mom and dad, sometimes, I don’t think about how much you’ve had to sacrifice for me…

2:02PM 5/25/22

To: min From: your daughter


To me, you will always be my hero. A tremendous amount of courage is required to make a decision…

9:10 AM 5/24/22

To: büyükanne From: senin


merhaba. bu gün sen gittikten sonraki günümü kaydetmemin yirmi dokuzuncu günü yapıyorum…

3:33PM 5/24/22

To: mama From: jess

I wish I could tell you things.

hi mama. you’re probably never going to read this and things may not make grammatical sense in the rest of...

2:59PM 5/23/22

To: you From: anon


Deciding to come to the states is probably the best decision you’ve ever made. I just wish that…

4:07PM 5/21/22

To: 🌹 From: 🥀

i don’t have enough words to express all that I feel.

9:13PM 5/21/22