To: mama From: jess

I wish I could tell you things.

hi mama. you’re probably never going to read this and things may not make grammatical sense in the rest of...

7:29 PM 5/23/22

To: From: nana



10:04 PM 1/2/22

To: mom From: nat

love u mom

hey mom, i know i say this all the time but words will never be enough to express how…

2:30 PM 3/15/22

To: gma From: anonymous

I’m starting to understand now

at first, i couldn’t understand why they sent me to you when we had so much more in…

11:21 AM 2/4/22

To: pop From: josh


I wish you did things differently but everyone has their flaws. I don’t know if we will ever…

8:14 PM 5/1/22

To: janice From: lisa

you didn’t have to, but thank you

I want you to know that you’re a better parent than mom or dad will ever be. Thank you…

2:45 PM 3/30/22

To: 엄마 From: pk


이것은 나를 위한 투쟁이다하지만 감사를 표현하고 싶습니다당신이 나에게 가르친 언어로…

3:01 PM 4/19/22

To: Luke From: 404


Hey man, I’ve always appreciated all your help when I first moved here. I wish we still kept in touch…

8:12 AM 1/20/22

To: nanay From: angel

i never understood why you brought me here until a couple of years ago when you talked…

7:02 PM 3/16/22

To: Ma chère tante From: Camille

Merci beaucoup

Chère tante, merci beaucoup de m'avoir aidé à m'installer et m'ouvre tes portes…

6:40 PM 2/14/22

To: dad From: michelle

i wish u knew

this is going to be a long one. i’ve always wondered if you really understood how i felt when you…

12:28 PM 3/22/22

To: stev From: rach

talk it thru

I don’t get why u can’t come back and amend things with dad. ur both being really irrational…

7:21 PM 5/1/22